Conservation, Community, Charity

On this page, you can view a a list of projects to which you can contribute to. Monkey Adventures will be donating a part of your booking to one of these projects. You decide which project gets your support.

Please let us know if you wish add to the donation as well, and we can combine both contributions (yours and ours), thereby increasing the total support we can provide these well-deserving projects.

Incase you are unable to choose a project you wish to support, we will pick one on your behalf.


Mara Meru Cheetah Project

Mission of the Mara-Meru Cheetah Project is to promote the conservation of cheetahs through scientific research, community involvement and education.

Head of the Project: Dr. Elena V.Chelysheva, PhD

Website :

Mara Predator Conservation Programme

The main aim of the Mara Predator Conservation Programme is to conserve predators in the Greater Mara Ecosystem using a research-driven conservation approach

Programme Director: Dr Caroline Ng'weno Senior Programme Scientist: Niels Mogensen Community & PR Manager: Michael Kaelo Research Assistants: Kelvin Koinet, Kosiom Keiwua Community Liaison Officer: Dominic Sakat

Website :


Pour de l'aide, du soutien ou des conseils pour vos prochaines aventures !